The level 0 class is for complete beginners with little or no prior knowledge of Salsa. We take everything very slowly for the first couple of weeks before ramping up on the content. Our aim in the level 0 class is to give the students a solid base of fundamentals in a fun, relaxing manner whilst maintaining the highest educational values. We want every one of our students to be able get out onto the social dance floor as soon as possible. We don’t believe in teaching “fluff” so there’s nothing in any of our classes that a student wouldn’t use on the social dance floor, no dips, no tricks, no “magic” leads. More than that everything we teach in a class acts as a foundation for something that we will teach in future classes. It might be next week, next month or next year but there’s nothing we will teach in any of our classes that you will not use at some point.
There is one thing you will hear us repeat pretty much at least once, every class:
5 Minutes practice every day is all it takes, little and often
Regular practice of the “little things” like basic step, cross body lead, back charges, etc will make you the dancer you want to be.